It’s been almost 3 years now that Generative AI like ChatGPT has been making your work a lot faster.
But do you want to apply AI more deeply to tasks other than writing and image creation to save time?
If so, in this article I will suggest you prompts to help save time with AI like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude.
101 on saving time with AI
How to use prompt effectively
Usage is quite simple, you just need to copy the prompt and replace the content in brackets with your own content.
But before we start, I will list some small notes so that you can use the prompt in here better, and you can also write the prompt better:
- Describe your requirements clearly and in detail
- Break down complex tasks into simple steps
- Provide full context and necessary information
- Use simple, clear language and avoid ambiguous words
- Specify the desired output format (length, style, objects…)
AI Limitations to Be Aware of
In addition, you should also note a few more points, because AI is not human and at the current stage it also has many limitations such as:
- AI knowledge is limited to training data, which can be out of date, at least 3 months by the time you use it.
- Your ability to understand context and language nuances is limited, so you need to write simply and clearly.
- AI can give incorrect information, need to double check.
In short, AI cannot completely replace humans, especially with tasks that require creativity and critical thinking, so it cannot be trusted 100%.
In particular, its knowledge is mainly focused on the US region 🙂 it is made by American companies, so sometimes it will not be suitable for the working context in Vietnam.
Planning and task division
Where to start when taking on a new task
If you are doing a task or job that you are not familiar with or are doing for the first time (interns are prone to this problem), you can use this prompt to find some suggestions and help.
The simple idea is to ask AI to guide you through some basic things and find out who can help you with this. Usually, the person who assigned you will sometimes be able to help, but in case you don’t know anyone, this prompt will suggest who, what skills or what position can help you.
Tôi cần thực hiện [tên nhiệm vụ] nhưng chưa có kinh nghiệm. Hãy hướng dẫn tôi các bước cần làm để bắt đầu, bao gồm tìm hiểu thông tin cơ bản, xác định mục tiêu và kết quả mong muốn, lập kế hoạch thực hiện sơ bộ. Đưa ra lời khuyên về cách tìm người hướng dẫn hoặc cộng sự nếu cần.
I need to perform [task name] but have no experience. Please guide me on the steps to get started, including researching basic information, defining goals and desired outcomes, and creating a preliminary implementation plan. Advise on how to find a mentor or collaborator if needed.
Break down tasks
There are many tasks, tasks have many sub-tasks that need to be done to complete it and you need to identify what they are; or simply split the process then do those sub-tasks instead of doing all of them, this prompt can help you he.
Nhiệm vụ [tên nhiệm vụ] khá phức tạp. Hãy chia nhỏ nó thành các công việc đơn giản hơn và sắp xếp theo trình tự thời gian. Với mỗi công việc, hãy ước tính thời gian hoàn thành và chỉ ra những việc có thể làm song song.
The task [task name] is quite complex. Please break it down into simpler tasks and arrange them in chronological order. For each task, estimate the completion time and indicate which tasks can be done in parallel.
Create a work checklist
If you have some experience with it and want to create a long checklist of tasks to do so that you can more easily control how far you have gone, as well as suggest what you can do next; the following prompt might be suitable for you:
Hãy tạo một checklist các công việc cần hoàn thành cho nhiệm vụ [tên nhiệm vụ], bao gồm các bước chính và các việc cụ thể trong từng bước. Sắp xếp theo trình tự thời gian và ước tính thời gian hoàn thành mỗi mục.
Please create a checklist of tasks to be completed for [task name], including the main steps and specific tasks in each step. Arrange in chronological order and estimate the completion time for each item.
This prompt helps you create a complete list of tasks for a task, making it easier to track progress. Fill in your actual task name.[tên nhiệm vụ] But you should also describe in more detail so that the AI can understand.
In addition, you can also have an additional prompt after having the list: “create a format that can be copied to Excel”. Most of the AIs I tested will create a format and you can copy that directly to Google Sheets, Docs.
Find high priority tasks
When you know you have a lot of things to do but you are wondering which one to do first, or you are feeling confused and do not know how to arrange your time reasonably to do them. You can use the following prompt and refer to it:
Với danh sách các nhiệm vụ dưới đây, hãy xác định những việc quan trọng và cấp bách nhất cần ưu tiên thực hiện trước. Giải thích lý do lựa chọn.
1. [Nhiệm vụ 1]
2. [Nhiệm vụ 2]
3. [Nhiệm vụ 3]
Given the list of tasks below, identify the most important and urgent tasks that need to be prioritized. Explain the reasons for your choices.
1. [Task 1]
2. [Task 2]
3. [Task 3]
In which, the[Nhiệm vụ] You should suggest as much information as possible to the AI, for example: time, location, who to assign to, deadline, etc. This will help the AI understand better and suggest more accurately.
However, you are still the one who decides what to do first. For example, small things like giving someone a document that you can do in 2 minutes, you should stand up and give them the document 🙂 for example.
Identify similar tasks
One of the best ways to save time is to group tasks that have similar content, methods, or similarities to do at the same time or in turn. Therefore, you can use the following prompt, list the tasks assigned for the day, and add detailed information so that AI can identify them more easily and help you group them in the most appropriate way.
Trong danh sách nhiệm vụ dưới đây, hãy xác định những công việc có nội dung tương tự nhau và gợi ý cách gộp chúng để thực hiện cùng lúc nhằm tối ưu thời gian.
1. [Nhiệm vụ 1]
2. [Nhiệm vụ 2]
3. [Nhiệm vụ 3]
In the list of tasks below, identify tasks with similar content and suggest ways to combine them to perform simultaneously to optimize time.
1. [Task 1]
2. [Task 2]
3. [Task 3]
Generate ideas and drive implementation
Seek and quickly absorb new knowledge
For example, I work at an agency so I often meet clients from many different industries. Therefore, it is very normal for me to work in technology but encounter people in the medical field, health care, selling ornamental plants, tourism, etc., for whom I have very little experience.
Therefore, before meeting a client, I will use this prompt to quickly learn about that industry or profession so that the whole team can understand briefly and can understand what the client provides more accurately (a little 🥹 ). In which, the target audience you can change to suit your situation is students, agencies,…
Hãy tìm hiểu và tóm tắt ngắn gọn về chủ đề [tên chủ đề] từ các nguồn uy tín. Trình bày khoảng [số từ] từ bao gồm các ý chính: khái niệm cơ bản, các khía cạnh quan trọng, xu hướng và thách thức chính. Sử dụng ngôn ngữ dễ hiểu phù hợp với đối tượng [đối tượng đọc].
Please research and summarize the topic [topic name] from reputable sources. Present about [number of words] words including the main points: basic concepts, important aspects, key trends and challenges. Use easy-to-understand language suitable for [target audience].
Ideation and draft
If you’re stuck and can’t think of anything else to do or how to start, you can use the following prompt to brainstorm ideas and create a draft. From the draft, you might end up creating a super cool project that will shake the world:
Tôi đang cần viết [loại nội dung] về [chủ đề], nhưng tôi đang gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm ý tưởng và tạo bản nháp. Bạn có thể đề xuất một số ý tưởng chính và cung cấp một bản nháp ngắn để tôi có thể phát triển thêm không?
I need to write a [type of content] about [topic], but I am struggling to come up with ideas and create a draft. Can you suggest some main ideas and provide a short draft for me to develop further?
If you blog like me, you can use the following prompt to suggest articles and writing topics without running out of ideas:
Hãy đề xuất [số lượng] ý tưởng chính và viết một bản nháp khoảng [số từ] từ cho bài viết với chủ đề [tên chủ đề]. Sử dụng phong cách [phong cách viết] và giọng điệu [giọng điệu]. Đối tượng độc giả là [đối tượng đọc]. Đưa ra dàn ý chi tiết bao gồm các đề mục chính và phụ.
Please propose [number] main ideas and write a draft of about [number of words] words for an article on the topic [topic name]. Use [writing style] style and [tone] tone. The target audience is [target audience]. Provide a detailed outline including main and sub-headings.
Generate dummy data for files
When I create a website, to create some fake information to make the website more beautiful, especially sales websites, in the past, I had to manually copy from competitor websites, but doing that is not very good. Therefore, you can use this prompt to create sample data in the form of tables, JSON, XML for web presentation, insert into Powerpoint templates, Excel,…
Hãy tạo một tệp [định dạng] mẫu cho [loại dữ liệu], bao gồm các trường: [liệt kê các trường]. Tạo dữ liệu giả cho ít nhất [số lượng] bản ghi. Sử dụng các giá trị thực tế và đảm bảo tính nhất quán của dữ liệu.
Please create a sample [format] file for [data type], including the fields: [list of fields]. Create fake data for at least [number] records. Use realistic values and ensure data consistency.
If you create dummy data for Woocommerce, you can change the prompt to look like this:
Hãy tạo dữ liệu giả cho Woocommerce với dữ liệu của [nội dung bạn muốn], bao gồm đầy đủ các trường. Tạo dữ liệu giả cho ít nhất [số lượng] bản ghi. Sử dụng các giá trị thực tế và đảm bảo tính nhất quán của dữ liệu.
Additional notes,[số lượng] will depend on the AI model you use. But it is best to keep it under 20 so that the AI can answer completely in a single answer.
Some time saving tips (you can do it yourself)
- Use keyboard shortcuts instead of mouse gestures (this can be Googled or asked ChatGPT for the tool you use).
- Create email and message templates for common situations
- Establish procedures and checklists for repetitive tasks
- Use project and task management tools
- Turn off unnecessary notifications to avoid distractions
- Delegate and assign work to others when needed
- Use your waiting time to complete small tasks under 2 minutes, for example.
- Arrange work and rest schedule reasonably
I really hope these little tips can help you save a lot of precious time to focus on your really important things.
But I said, AI does not help you make decisions, it will be a tool to support you, suggest you in the decision making process. The decision to do it or not is up to you.
If you have any better tips, comment below so I can learn from you, thank you in advance.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if an AI tool is right for your needs?
To find an AI tool that fits your needs, evaluate its features and performance. Look at reviews from other users, compare it to other tools in the same field, and test the tool before deciding to use it.
Can AI-generated results be trusted?
Trusting the results produced by AI depends on how well the tool is developed and how well it performs. If the tool is trained on a large amount of data and has a good track record of accuracy, you can trust the results. However, in some cases, AI results may not be completely accurate and need to be verified.
Can AI completely replace humans at work?
AI can replace some jobs, but it cannot replace humans completely. AI can do simple and repetitive tasks, but jobs that require intelligence, creativity, and human perspective cannot be replaced by AI.
What is the best way to learn how to write prompts for AI?
To learn how to write prompts for AI, research AI tools and how to use them. Look at examples of prompts and how they are used. Practice writing prompts and evaluate the results to improve. You can also check out my article What is a Prompt and try it out.
What tools help manage personal work well?
You can try many tools such as: Microsoft To Do , Trello, Asana, To do list applications on App store or Google Store,… Personally, I use Microsoft To Do for personal use, Microsoft Loop for work management at the company I work for because it’s simple.